Faculty of Informatics – Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

BSc and MSc Thesis

We always welcome USI students willing to work on their BSc or MSc thesis with us. The topic of the thesis should be in the field of software engineering or programming languages. Our areas of interest include (but are not limited to): parallel and concurrent programming; managed languages and runtimes; language-integrated queries; big-data; query optimization; compilers; speculative dynamic compiler optimizations; monitoring, analysis and optimization; benchmarking. 

If you are interested, please contact Prof. Walter Binder (walter [dot] binder [at] usi [dot] ch) to discuss a topic matching your interests.

UROP Projects

If you would like to work on your thesis with us, you could be eligible to apply for a paid summer research internship, also called UROP project. The internship usually lasts 2 months and is offered in July and August. Ideally, the UROP project starts the year before the graduation (i.e., in the summer during the 2nd year BSc or 1st year MSc) and consists in a preliminary work that will later evolve in a thesis.

While the requirements for applying depend on the project, in general candidates should have a good knowledge of JVM languages, C/C++ and UNIX-based operating systems as well as excellent programming skills. For MSc students, being (or having been) enrolled to the course “Advanced Java Programming” is strongly recommended.

If you would like to apply to an UROP project, please contact Prof. Walter Binder (walter [dot] binder [at] usi [dot] ch). Please note that the list of projects published on the USI website is not comprehensive, so please get in touch with us even in case no project offered by our group is listed.