Faculty of Informatics – Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Research Highlights

This page lists selected publications authored by group members and published in top international journals and in the proceedings of leading international conferences. For each publication, in addition to a link to the article or paper, the list includes references to publicly available supplemental material, such as more detailed webpages on the research project related to the publication or software developed as part of the research work, talks, slides and posters.

For a complete list of published articles and papers, please check out the DBLP page of Prof. Walter Binder. Recent publications (from 2014) are also listed in the dedicated webpage.


Matteo Basso, Aleksandar Prokopec, Andrea Rosà, Walter Binder: Optimization-Aware Compiler-Level Event Profiling. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. (in press, 2023) [pdf][project page]

Filippo Schiavio, Daniele Bonetta, Walter Binder: DynQ: A Dynamic Query Engine with Query-reuse Capabilities Embedded in a Polyglot Runtime. The VLDB Journal (2023) [pdf][project page]


Filippo Schiavio, Daniele Bonetta, Walter Binder: Language-Agnostic Integrated Queries in a Managed Polyglot Runtime. Proc. VLDB Endow. 14(8): 1414-1426 (2021) [pdf][video][slides][project page]


Filippo Schiavio, Daniele Bonetta, Walter Binder: Dynamic Speculative Optimizations for SQL Compilation in Apache Spark. Proc. VLDB Endow. 13(5): 754-767 (2020) [pdf][presentation at VLDB’20 (video)(slides)][presentation at VMM’20 (video)(slides)][project page]


Andrea Rosà, Eduardo Rosales, Walter Binder: Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 41(3): 19:1-19:47 (2019) [pdf][project page][software page]

Aleksandar Prokopec, Andrea Rosà, David Leopoldseder, Gilles Duboscq, Petr Tuma, Martin Studener, Lubomír Bulej, Yudi Zheng, Alex Villazón, Doug Simon, Thomas Würthinger, Walter Binder: Renaissance: Benchmarking Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM. PLDI 2019: 31-47 [pdf][slides (SE’20)][poster (SPLASH’19)][project page]

Alex Villazón, Haiyang Sun, Andrea Rosà, Eduardo Rosales, Daniele Bonetta, Isabella Defilippis, Sergio Oporto, Walter Binder: Automated Large-Scale Multi-Language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild. ECOOP 2019: 20:1-20:27 [pdf][video][slides][poster (SPLASH’19)][project page][software page]

Haiyang Sun, Daniele Bonetta, Filippo Schiavio, Walter Binder: Reasoning about the Node.js Event Loop using Async Graphs. CGO 2019: 61-72 [pdf][project page][software page]


Mathias Björkqvist, Natarajan Gautam, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder: Optimizing for Tail Sojourn Times of Cloud Clusters. IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 6(1): 156-167 (2018) [pdf]

Andrea Rosà, Walter Binder: Optimizing Type-specific Instrumentation on the JVM with Reflective Supertype Information. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 49: 29-45 (2018) [pdf][video (GPCE’17)][slides (GPCE’17)][project page][software page]

Haiyang Sun, Daniele Bonetta, Christian Humer, Walter Binder: Efficient Dynamic Analysis for Node.js. CC 2018: 196-206 [pdf][presentation at VMM’20 (video)][project page][software page]

Andrea Rosà, Eduardo Rosales, Walter Binder: Analyzing and Optimizing Task Granularity on the JVM. CGO 2018: 27-37 [pdf][slides][project page][software page]


Andrea Rosà, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder: Failure Analysis and Prediction for Big-Data Systems. IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. 10(6): 984-998 (2017) [pdf]

Yudi Zheng, Lubomír Bulej, Walter Binder: An Empirical Study on Deoptimization in the Graal Compiler. ECOOP 2017: 30:1-30:30 [pdf][video]


Luca Salucci, Daniele Bonetta, Walter Binder: Lightweight Multi-language Bindings for Apache Spark. Euro-Par 2016: 281-292 [pdf]

Daniele Bonetta, Luca Salucci, Stefan Marr, Walter Binder: GEMs: Shared-memory Parallel Programming for Node.js. OOPSLA 2016: 531-547 [pdf]


Andrea Rosà, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder: Understanding the Dark Side of Big Data Clusters: An Analysis beyond Failures. DSN 2015: 207-218 [pdf][slides]

Yudi Zheng, Lubomír Bulej, Walter Binder: Accurate Profiling in the Presence of Dynamic Compilation. OOPSLA 2015: 433-450 [pdf][video][software page] (distinguished paper)


Immanuel Trummer, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Multi-Objective Quality-Driven Service Selection – A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 40(2): 167-191 (2014) [pdf]


Danilo Ansaloni, Stephen Kell, Yudi Zheng, Lubomír Bulej, Walter Binder, Petr Tuma: Enabling Modularity and Re-use in Dynamic Program Analysis Tools for the Java Virtual Machine. ECOOP 2013: 352-377 [pdf]

Mathias Björkqvist, Sebastiano Spicuglia, Lydia Y. Chen, Walter Binder: QoS-Aware Service VM Provisioning in Clouds: Experiences, Models, and Cost Analysis. ICSOC 2013: 69-83 [pdf]

Daniele Bonetta, Walter Binder, Cesare Pautasso: TigerQuoll: Parallel Event-based JavaScript. PPOPP 2013: 251-260 [pdf]


David Röthlisberger, Marcel Harry, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret, Danilo Ansaloni, Alex Villazón, Oscar Nierstrasz:
Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 38(3): 579-591 (2012) [pdf]

Abbas Heydarnoori, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Walter Binder, Thiago Tonelli Bartolomei: Two Studies of Framework-Usage Templates Extracted from Dynamic Traces. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 38(6): 1464-1487 (2012) [pdf]

Lukás Marek, Alex Villazón, Yudi Zheng, Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Zhengwei Qi: DiSL: A Domain-specific Language for Bytecode Instrumentation. AOSD 2012: 239-250 [pdf]

Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Abbas Heydarnoori, Lydia Y. Chen: Deferred Methods: Accelerating Dynamic Program Analysis on Multicores. CGO 2012: 242-251 [pdf]

Danilo Ansaloni, Lydia Y. Chen, Evgenia Smirni, Walter Binder: Model-driven Consolidation of Java Workloads on Multicores. DSN 2012: 1-12 [pdf]

Daniele Bonetta, Danilo Ansaloni, Achille Peternier, Cesare Pautasso, Walter Binder: Node.Scala: Implicit Parallel Programming for High-Performance Web Services. Euro-Par 2012: 626-637 [pdf]

Lydia Y. Chen, Danilo Ansaloni, Evgenia Smirni, Akira Yokokawa, Walter Binder: Achieving Application-centric Performance Targets via Consolidation on Multicores: Myth or Reality? HPDC 2012: 37-48 [pdf]

Daniele Bonetta, Achille Peternier, Cesare Pautasso, Walter Binder: S: A Scripting Language for High-performance RESTful Web Services. PPOPP 2012: 97-106 [pdf]


Philippe Moret, Walter Binder, Éric Tanter: Polymorphic Bytecode Instrumentation. AOSD 2011: 129-140 [pdf]

Andreas Sewe, Mira Mezini, Aibek Sarimbekov, Walter Binder: Da Capo con Scala: Design and Analysis of a Scala Benchmark Suite for the Java Virtual Machine. OOPSLA 2011: 657-676 [pdf]

Thomas Würthinger, Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Christian Wimmer, Hanspeter Mössenböck: Safe and Atomic Run-time Code Evolution for Java and its Application to Dynamic AOP. OOPSLA 2011: 825-844 [pdf]


Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Alex Villazón, Philippe Moret: Parallel Dynamic Analysis on Multicores with Aspect-oriented Programming. AOSD 2010: 1-12 [pdf]

Domenico Bianculli, Walter Binder, Mauro Luigi Drago: Automated Performance Assessment for Service-oriented Middleware: A Case Study on BPEL Engines. WWW 2010: 141-150 [pdf]


Alex Villazón, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret: Flexible Calling Context Reification for Aspect-oriented Programming. AOSD 2009: 63-74 [pdf]


Adina D. Mosincat, Walter Binder: Transparent Runtime Adaptability for BPEL Processes. ICSOC 2008: 241-255 [pdf]


Domenico Bianculli, Radu Jurca, Walter Binder, Carlo Ghezzi, Boi Faltings: Automated Dynamic Maintenance of Composite Services Based on Service Reputation. ICSOC 2007: 449-455 [pdf]

Radu Jurca, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Reliable QoS Monitoring based on Client Feedback. WWW 2007: 1003-1012 [pdf]