Faculty of Informatics – Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)


Our group is involved in several research projects. This page summarizes the recent research activities carried out by the group. For more information on a project (including a project description, main achievements, key publications and released software) please visit the dedicate project page.

Compiler-level Event Profiling in Graal
[project page]

DynQ – Language-Agnostic Integrated Queries in GraalVM Languages
[project page]

Improving Code Generation in Spark SQL
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Renaissance – Benchmarking Parallel Applications on the JVM
[project page]

tgp – Profiling Task Granularity on the JVM
[project page]

NAB – Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild
[project page]

StreamProf – Stream Profiling, Characterization and Optimization
[project page]

TESA – Automatic Code Coverage Assessment and Extension for NPM Packages
[project page]

NodeProf – Dynamic Analysis for Node.js Applications
[project page]

P3 – Profiling Concurrency on the JVM
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AsyncG – Modelling and Debugging Event-driven Programs
[project page]

FJProf – Profiling Fork/Join Applications on the JVM
[project page]

DiSL & ShadowVMDynamic Analysis on the JVM
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